Migrating Complex NuGet solutions to Paket

In the previous post of this series, we looked at migrating a simple, single-project solution over to Paket. In this post, we'll look at a more complex solution that has multiple projects with shared dependencies, and see some of the issues that Paket picks up that might not have been previously identified. Most of this … Continue reading Migrating Complex NuGet solutions to Paket

Migration basics from NuGet to Paket

Introduction This is part 2 of a short series of blog posts on Paket. In the first part, I presented the overall value proposition behind Paket and some (but not all!) of the features it provides. In this post, we'll look at performing a migration of a simple NuGet-ified project over to Paket. In a … Continue reading Migration basics from NuGet to Paket

Getting Started with Paket – Part 1

Introduction to this series Given the recent discussions happening around Paket, I’ve been asked (or seen questions asked) recently regarding getting up and running with Paket. So, I thought I'd do a short series of posts that covers the "what" and "why" of Paket, followed by the "how" (the "when" is easy - always 😉 … Continue reading Getting Started with Paket – Part 1